The most wonderful characteristic of a 700 years old monument could be the shaking minarets. Isfahan Menar Jonban is inviting people from all around the world to travel to Iran and visit its phenomenal features.
A mystery in architecture, still an uncovered secret for many famous architects and scientists, no one ever could find an explanation for the shaking minarets of this monument. The only theory proposed is the physical phenomenon of “Resonance”. The similar construction style, may cause one of the minarets shakes after the other. The reason for naming the monument as “Menar Jonban”.

History of Menar Jonban monument:
This masterpiece belongs to Ilkhanate era. Construction was done at 1337, during the reign of Mongol ruler Oljaitu, to cover the grave of Amu Abdollah Karladani, one of the mystics of the time. An Iwan (porch), two minarets and a surrounding yard shapes the complex. Having only one Iwan defines that the monument is constructed during Ilkhanate era following the Mongol architectural style, but the shape of the minarets shown that they are included later during Safavid dynasty.

Unique characteristic of Menar Jonban
Menar Jonban is not the only shaking monument of the world; In Iraq and Saudi Arabia you may find similar buildings, but here the roof is shaking along with the minarets and that is what makes it so unique.
The Iwan (porch) stands at the height of 10 meters, and each of the minarets are 7 meters taller, all constructed by skilled brick work.
How to Get to Menar Jonban?
Due to the density of monuments, there are many guiding sings seen in Isfahan streets helping you find your way to each of them. But, being more specific, Menar Jonban is located in the west of Isfahan, 6km to the north of the Fire Temple route, before you reach Fire Temple mount.
Keep in Mind:
This monument is open to visitors every day from 9am. To 5pm. The minarets are shaken five times a day by people in charge, so if you want to see the shaking process during your visit, better to be there at 10:30 and 12:00 in the morning or, at 13:30, 15:00 and 16:30 in the evening. The shaking is not happening on rainy days.
Visitors are not allowed to enter the upper floors and the roof due to the monument conservation.
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City/Town: Isfahan
Address: Atashgah Road.
Operating days: Every day
Operating Hours: 9am. to 5pm.
Typical Price: 200.000 Rls.
Neighborhood: Atashgah Temple