Privacy Policy
Your privacy and trust is very important to us and is a part of a contract between our promise and your trust. As this is a very dear matter to us, its safeguarding is of top priority. Our only channels of communication with users are through the website and/or goingIRAN mobile application. Before you give us any of your personal information, please learn how we deal with and use your given information.
What information do we collect from you?
We store all of the information we receive from you. The information described here pertains to that of which you have provided us, such as: first and last name, phone number, e-mail address, home address, username and financial transaction information; credit card number, name of the card owner and expiration date. Users are not obligated to provide answers to all of requested information. In order for us to better communicate, connect with, and provide you with our services, it is a given that we require some general information from you.
Information from other sources
It is possible that we may collect user information from our partners, which consist of websites, businesses and other such individual entities. As an example, you may have been directed to the goingIRAN website via another website, which we are business partners with, that you have stored your information in. In such a scenario, that website, our partner company, may provide us with some of your information. Examples of other scenarios in which we may receive your information, would be through third-party services/applications; such as social media services accessed through or outside of our website. With regards to obtaining user information through our current and future partners, the former stated procedure will always be respected.
How we use your information
GoingIRAN uses your information for specific purposes:
- Establishment and management of your goingIRAN user account.
- Communicating with users in regard to requested services and information.
- Business and marketing endeavors: we will use your information in marketing plan. As an example, in order to provide you with the latest tour information, news, and articles relating to your interests, goingIRAN will be in contact with you.
- Survey purposes: in order to achieve higher quality statistics and information regarding the needs and wants of travellers, goingIRAN greatly encourages your feedback and participation.
- GoingIRAN uses all of your feedback and suggestions to better recognize user needs and interest in order to improve our services.
How can you access your registered information?
Users, generally, do not have access to the information they have provided. However, if it happens that a user requires any of their provided information to be deleted from our storage, they can make a request to with the e-mail address they signed up with and their information will be removed immediately. Please note that after the deletion of your and account you will no longer be able to login with that username. If you wish, you may create a new account at any time.
How do we keep your information?
In regards to the storage and protection of your information, we want users to feel completely safe and assured of the safety of their data. Due to the nature of the internet and its mannerism, it is a fact that no website can 100% guarantee the safety of its stored information. Knowing this, we are greatly dedicated to protecting our users’ data at all cost and to the best of our ability, hence the use of our very reliable and trustable servers. As an example to the measures we take to safeguard your data, we only have one authorized personnel that is able to view and manage user data. No one else in the entire company, but that one person, has access. Upon entering your information into our website, all of the data is encrypted and protected by firewall to ensure maximum possible safety.
If you enter another website through a link on the goingIRAN website, you are no longer under goingIRAN’s privacy policy and so we recommend you read and become fully aware of the following company’s privacy policy.
How to contact us?
If you have any questions regarding any of the former matters you can contact us at:
#13, No. 15, 20th Alley, Gisha. Tehran-Iran Phone: (+98-21) 88638700
Copyright Complaint Policy
Before publishing an article or a summery on a destination, goingIRAN applies the following process:
- Research several articles and passages from reliable websites and sources in order to identify commonalities and pinpoint differences in their key facts.
- Sort, edit, and combine information from several passages and articles to aid the writing of a passage on a destination.
- Approval of writing quality is obtained through content specialist.
- Selection of appropriate photographs to match with article/passage.
- Provide written description of exact address and Google Map link.
- Provide links to related applications and information services alongside the article/passage.